07 November 2016
Chimborazo, Minneapolis, MN
I wish that I could give this restaurant a higher rating. I really do. The food was wonderful (except for my toast being cold) and the chef even came out to thank us for coming!
But honestly, it has been a while since I've had such bad service. When we came in, we were right behind another couple, and the person who sat them actually made a point of saying she will be right back to seat us, so it was off to a good start. Then someone else came over to seat us, and the first person came back, and they actually bickered a bit about who would seat us. (Nothing terrible, just "I'll seat them," "No, I will," etc.) There appeared to be 3 servers, or possibly 2 servers and a host/busser. But this is a small restaurant and they seemed well staffed. Which brings me to the first problem in service: once we were greeted, no one came to greet us. When our server did greet us, my husband ordered coffee, which took a few minutes to get for some reason. Our server probably said about 10 words to us the entire time. I am not a huge fan of servers who walk up and say "Are you ready?" but I usually don't hold it against them.
We decided to order both the Tungurahua (eggs, rice and beans, yuca, toast) and Cotopaxi (eggs, llapingachos, and toast) and split them. I was especially excited to try the llapingachos, which are potato pancakes stuffed with cheese - and I was not disappointed! They were amazing. In fact, they were even better than I was expecting. They were very soft, but they were served hot, and felt very melty in my mouth. They are served with a green sauce on the side that I didn't care for. The toast is served with guava jam, which is also delicious.
The Tungurahua was fantastic as well. The rice and beans are served separately, which I wasn't expecting. So there are beans served with a mound of white rice. It would have been a bit too dry for me, but it was served with a different green sauce, which was slightly spicy and had an excellent flavor.
I would have asked for warm toast, but we did not see our server again until after our table had been cleared for about 5 minutes. He walked past us to drop checks off at two different tables. As he walked by, I asked if we could have our check as well and he said, "Give me a minute." When he came back with the check, he did not even slow down to put it on the table; instead, he threw it down and ended up hitting me with it. It is beyond inappropriate to act that way when someone asks for their check! The people next to us waited 15 minutes to get their check (they didn't request it, just waited for it). I didn't mind waiting for the check too much because my husband was finishing his coffee, but I was ready to go because of how loud it was in there.
I would probably be willing to try it again after giving them some time to sort out their issues with service!
21 October 2016
Rocky Horror Picture Show (2016)
For every good part of this remake, there was a part that went horribly wrong. So I have split my review into the "Top 3" and the "Worst 3" parts of the movie. Let's start at the top, shall we?
Top 3
1. Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox did a fantastic job playing Dr. Frank N Furter. According to one of their "Behind the Scenes" outtakes during the commercial break, it is a role that she has always wanted to play, and you can tell. She obviously loves the movie, and knows the music well. The huge problem I have with her being cast in this role is her gender. She is a she! Maybe not the biggest deal in the world, because I do think that people of any gender should be able to play any role, but in this case I believe it is based in discrimination. My best guess is that they were casting a transvestite, thought of Laverne Cox and said, "Hey, she's trans. That would be good." without really thinking about what it implies; namely, that by casting Laverne Cox in a man's role, you may be implying that she is not a woman. That being said, I have no complaints about her performance: she belted out those songs, looks great in lingerie, and is an amazing actor.
2. Rocky Horror
Staz Nair was fantastic as the titular character. I've always thought that Rocky is the most difficult role to play; to be understated and act like you have half a brain is really difficult! Especially while singing "Sword of Damocles!" But I felt that Staz Nair did a great job at that. He's no Peter Hinwood, but hey, few are.
3. The Castle / The Set
Well, I really liked that castle. It actually looked like a castle, unlike the original version! I have heard complaints that having such a realistic and flashy set takes away from the camp of the script, and I totally agree with that. I just think it was really cool to see this be acted out in an actual castle, and it was one of my favorite parts of watching this. And there weren't many, unfortunately, so I'm just going to roll with it .
Worst 3
1. The Costumes
During the first break (I'm not sure if you can call it a commercial break, because there were no commercials) there was a behind the scenes short that discussed the costumes. Apparently, the costume designer decided to make the aliens have reddish costumes, the humans have blue costumes, and then the finale was all gold. It wasn't good. Laverne Cox does not look good in red, and since she's the star, that seems like a huge problem to me. Also, the costumes looked really bulky. I don't know how to describe it other than that, but in the original, everyone is fairly scantily clad. I realize this is for TV, but having Columbia in pedal pushers in the finale? What were they thinking?
2. The Audience Participation
I love audience participation. I spent a long time playing Janet, and I can go through the entire movie yelling at it the whole time. (Although I usually don't, but it's in my head!) I can understand what they were going for by including the audience, since this is supposed to be an homage to the staying power of the original and the midnight showings. However, it just didn't fit in with what they were doing. They cut to the "audience" so rarely that it tended to be jarring. Plus, they didn't have any of the best lines.
3. Janet Weiss
Obviously, it's difficult to fill Susan Sarandon's amazing shoes. But really, the part of Janet isn't that difficult. She has three songs, but the only song she carries on her own is "Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me." Victoria Justice did a decent song with that one. But she was way off, in character and expressivity, in "Dammit Janet" and "Over at the Frankenstein Place." Since those are the first two big numbers, that was pretty rough to watch.
Other Notables
It was cool that they did Superheroes at the end, which is missing from many of the prints of the original movie, but I don't know why they walked away at the end. It seemed like a weird way to change the ending.
It was great to see Tim Curry. I didn't know he was acting again after his medical issues. Love him!
I don't know why they had Ivy Levan sing and act out Science Fiction/Double Feature. It was weird. Like a music video, but in a bad way.
All this being said, I am a huge fan of the original. I realize this may come off as a huge fan who does not like to see change, and that is definitely part of it! I admit that fully. Some of my favorite things about the original movie were "wrecked" (in my opinion) in this remake.
I feel better when I think of it as a tribute: just a bunch of RHPS fans getting together and doing it in a more current way. Then I even kind of like it. But even as a tribute, I felt that it fell quite short of what it could have been. They definitely should have looked harder for a Janet!
18 October 2016
Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners by Sam Kuma

Affiliate Link: Vegan: Mexican Vegan Diet for Beginners: Delicious, Soul-Satisfying Vegan Recipes (from Tamales to Tostadas) that supplements a Raw Vegan Lifestyle ... Vegan and Vegetarian Beginners) (Volume 1)
Another excellent cookbook by Sam Kuma! Since giving up dairy, I have had a lot of difficulty with transforming my Mexican recipes. Also, I used to eat out at Mexican restaurants quite often and haven't been able to do that, either! Vegetarian Mexican recipes tend to use cheese, and usually quite a bit of it!
The recipes in this cookbook are quite simple and easy to follow. There is even a recipe for vegan elote! I have always loved elote and look forward to trying that one.
Black Bean Guacamole |
For my first recipe, I made Black Bean Guacamole. It is a very simple recipe, with avocado, black beans, a tomato, scallions, cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper. (It also calls for a jalapeno, which I didn't use.) The avocado and black beans are smashed with a fork, which was a bit of an ordeal (there has to be an easier way!) but other than that, it was quite easy. Just mix everything together.
Super close up! |
I received this product for free in return for my honest and unbiased review.

14 October 2016
Naturalico Waterproof Electric Callus Remover

Affiliate Link: Naturalico Waterproof Electric Callus Remover / The Best Rechargeable, Cordless Personal Foot Pedicure File Tool & Shaver| Remove Dead/Hard/Cracked Skin Effortlessly| Your Spa At Home
To be honest, I was not sure how much I needed an electric callus remover. However, I do have calluses on my feet, and nothing has ever helped them. I've used a foot grater, soaked them, and used all kinds of lotions. I've had professional pedicures and they haven't budged at all.
I am very impressed with how much of a difference this electric callus remover has made in such a short period of time. I have used it 3 times. One of my calluses, on my left foot bottom near the pinky toe, has been there for over 10 years. (Maybe over 20! A long time, anyway!) It is nearly gone after only 3 uses. Not completely gone, but I think it will. It is so much smaller and softer.
The handle is very soft and easy to hold. I was surprised by how well-shaped the handle is; it really fits into my hand and makes it easier to maneuver.
I'm very pleased with the performance of the Naturalico Waterproof Electric Callus Remover.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

09 October 2016
Suavecito Pomade

05 October 2016
Aunt Jenny's Got It All Shop, Wisconsin Dells, WI
Aunt Jenny's Got It All Shop is a really nice gift store in the Wisconsin Dells. I stop in there every time I'm in town. They have good prices on gifts, a lot of really unique gifts, and they have a lot of gifts that are personalized with names. My son had a lot of fun, when we were here on spring break, picking out personalized gifts for his friends!
They also have gifts that are mystery gifts. For anywhere between $1 and $4, you can purchase a wrapped box that has a mystery gift inside! You never know what you'll get, but they are generally a good deal. (The last two times we've been in, a week apart, there haven't been any mystery gifts! The owner said it is the first time since she was 8 years old that this has happened, but I don't know when they'll be back...)
It's a great location, and easy to find. Right at the intersection of Hwy 12 and Hwy 13 (the main drag through downtown). There is ample parking, and there are several other shops in the same building. Also next door to mini golf!
I highly recommend a stop in to Aunt Jenny's Got It All Shop. You'll probably find the perfect souvenir gift that you didn't even know you were looking for!
26 September 2016
Mediterranean Diet for Vegans by Sam Kuma

Mediterranean Diet for Vegans is a really great, basic cookbook. This cookbook is great for anyone starting out with vegan cooking, who is interested in adding healthy mediterranean recipes to their diet, or who would just like some simple delicious recipes.
There is a good variety of recipes in this book. Some are made from prepared ingredients and some are from scratch. (I prefer scratch but often need the quickness of using some prepared food!) For example, the basic hummus recipe just calls for 2 cups of cooked garbanzo beans, so you could cook your own or use canned. (and I believe a can has about 2 cups in it!) I like that versatility.
Also, there is a good variety of simple recipes and recipes that are a little more different. For example, there is a basic hummus recipe which is very good. There is also a recipe for Cilantro Garlic Hummus, which sounds amazing (unfortunately I haven't been able to try it yet!).
I really am looking forward to making more recipes from this collection. I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

23 September 2016
Five Seasons in the Kitchen by Avital Sebbag

I love cookbooks. I have shelves and shelves of them -- in fact, I have an entire bookcase that I use just for cookbooks. It used to be in my kitchen, but now it is in our guest room, because our kitchen is too small to put an entire bookcase in there. I have a computer program to track recipes. Nearly all of my cookbooks are vegan, and they are all vegetarian. None of this is even counting ebooks, because why would I? They take up no space. (Or maybe they take up imaginary space?) I love to get new ecookbooks, because I don't have to worry about where to keep them!
I am just trying to impress upon you how much I love vegan cookbooks, and how often I read them. Because neither of those things are the issue with this book.
There are several problems with this book. The first is that it uses ingredients that I have never heard of, and have no idea where to find! When I read a cookbook, the first thing I look for is a simple recipe that I can make to get an idea of the author's taste. That was very difficult to find in this book. I don't have any idea what "hijiki" is or where to find it. In fact, the "simple" recipe I ended up making took 2 days to make! I had to sprout the lentils in advance. It was a very good recipe, though. It was delicious but plain, and tasted much better left over, which is good because it took 2 hours to cook, so it was ready well after dinner time (and in fact closer to bed time!).
And that leads me to another problem. Reading through this book could make you think that vegan recipes require lots of advance preparation, exotic ingredients that are difficult to find, and lots of cooking time. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Measurements were only in grams, which is a problem because I have no way of measuring that. I don't have a kitchen scale handy because I use volume measurements and not by weight. I have seen quite a few cookbooks where the author used grams, but put in volume equivalents, such as cups. It is also a problem with tofu. The amounts they called for seem to be about a third of a package here. I don't think we have that size and I have no idea how to get the equivalent amount of tofu, so I just skipped the tofu recipes. (I was able to just google "how many lentils in 500 grams" and then measure it in cups.)
In an ebook, you want to link to other recipes that you call for. For example, in the Three Way Toastini recipe, it calls for 3 separate spreads found elsewhere in the book, but there is no link to them. How am I supposed to find the recipe "on page 98?" I'm not sure if this is a problem from taking this cookbook from print to ebook, but it is a significant problem for me.
I will probably explore this cookbook further, especially if I find some hijiki, but it is just unlikely to become one of my favorites. I have a distinct preference for simple recipes with easy preparation, and this book is much too complicated for me. I received this book for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

22 September 2016
Tea Tree Oil from New York Biology

The return process worked very well; I notified amazon, and because this product wasn't available, they issued a refund to me so that I can repurchase it when it becomes available. Since it is now available, I will purchase it again. I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

20 September 2016
Premium Outdoor Hammock by TripWorthy
My first video review! It was pretty exciting to make. Of course, being that I am more of a photographer than videographer (although I have done both), I did enjoy taking the photos and then doing a voiceover with the photos. There is in fact very little video in my video!
This hammock is amazing. Not only is it my favorite color, which is an awesome bonus, but the hammock itself is really cool. It is made out of parachute fabric, which has a very unique feel to it. It's very smooth. And it's also very sturdy. It can hold up to 500 pounds!
We all love it so much. We have two trees that are the perfect distance apart, and it's so relaxing. One amazon reviewer suggested using this hammock instead of a tent while camping! I'm definitely going to try that.
Rating: 10 out of 10
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
18 September 2016
Peppermint Essential Oil by New York Biology

Okay, I will admit, I don't know much about essential oils. So I can't tell you much about how this is processed or anything like that. But I can tell you that I ordered it, it went extremely smoothly, and that I love the scent of this oil!
I have always loved the smell, and taste, of peppermint. I just love it. I have loved it ever since I was a little child. My grandmother loved it too. In fact, my grandmother and I liked a lot of the same things. Could I have inherited her taste buds and scent preferences? I wouldn't have thought that was something that could be inherited, but maybe it can. Regardless, I have always been soothed and invigorated by anything minty.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. To be clear, I choose the products I want to review, so they do tend to be things I like! Not everything I review does meet my standards, however. But it's just like shopping - I apply for products I would like to review. When I saw peppermint essential oil, I jumped at the chance, because I *love* peppermint so much! I am very grateful for the opportunity.
I have been reading a lot about essential oils. There are many uses for them that I haven't tried yet but would like to: using a candle diffuser, using a neutral carrier oil to dilute them, and making heating pads with rice or seeds, just to name a few.
One thing I have really enjoyed is that I made a linen spray with this peppermint oil, and also one with lavender oil. I really enjoy spraying it it on the bed and it gives it a lovely scent. I bought unscented liquid soap so that I can mix the peppermint scent into it. It has just been so great to have the essential oil to add some lovely scent to everything. I've really enjoyed it.

15 September 2016
Relaxing Sleep Tea by Cuppa Magic

I admit, I was pretty skeptical of this tea that claims to help with both major symptoms of insomnia: getting to sleep, and staying asleep. I mean, everyone drinks chamomile tea to relax, and I drink ginger tea as well. I have never heard of any of them truly helping with insomnia!
I, personally, would no longer say that I have insomnia. When I was younger, I had a lot of trouble with getting to sleep. I would stay up all night, until the wee hours of the morning. Even then I had trouble falling asleep! I'm very lucky to no longer have that problem. However, I do have trouble now with staying asleep. I get very upset when I wake up at 4 am for absolutely no reason, and am unable to get back to sleep! It's so frustrating.
I did find that this tea helped with that. On the nights when I drank the Relaxing Sleep Tea, it did help me to stay asleep. However, I don't know if it helped anymore than drinking plain chamomile or ginger or any of the other ingredients in the tea. I can say for certain that it is a very soothing tea. And it tastes wonderful!
One of the cons of this tea is the price. If it were priced like a normal tea, $3-$5 for a box of 20 tea bags, I would buy it over and over again. However, it isn't. It is a high-end (and therefore, high-priced!) tea. As of today (September 15, 2016), it is priced on Amazon for $25 for 14 tea bags, or $31.87 for 30. http://amzn.to/2d2eUls
Now, if you have a lot of difficulty with sleeping, and if you find this to be helpful in getting to sleep or staying asleep, it might be worth a dollar a day. Sleep is highly valuable, after all! There is no arguing with that! I, personally, would probably try lower cost solutions before I tried this one. I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

24 August 2016
Super Markers Set with 100 Unique Marker Colors
My entire life, I have only colored with crayons. My mother taught me how: outline the part you are coloring slightly darker, and then fill in that section. I've always enjoyed doing it that way.
My son has never felt that way. He didn't enjoy coloring very much when he was younger, and now he is happy to use either colored pencils or markers.
My son has always enjoyed drawing his own photos more than coloring. But as he's gotten older, he appreciates the relaxation of coloring more.
He is so creative. And just look at the differences in the colors, and the brightness of them.
This set is incredible. Every color is different, which is just amazing to me. I didn't think there would be that much variety.
I just love selecting the colors. I colored this mandala, and I didn't use a single color twice. I believe I used about 60 colors. (I should have kept count!)
They are just gorgeous colors. The only reason I rated them a 9 and not a 10 is because they do not have different color names on the markers themselves, or even different numbers. I would like a way to keep track of the ones I liked best.
Also, they have a great storage rack. Each marker has a place, and it works really well.
I received these markers for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. And they are amazing. You can see my amazon review here: https://www.amazon.com/review/R2NMYM1BVF2UZ6/ref=pe_1098610_137716200_cm_rv_eml_rv0_rv
16 August 2016
Red Wine Decanter by Bella Vino

My first decanter!
I really enjoyed using a decanter. I found it to be much more elegant than drinking out of the bottle, and I did find it to be a much different taste than when I just pour wine right out of the bottle.
This decanter is a beautiful, modern design. I really like the large bell shape at the bottom, and the neck is very striking. However, the lip design is not correct for pouring. At least, I could not do anything to keep it from dripping. There was always one drop on the lip after I poured it out. Since I used to pour wine for a living, this really surprised me. I am pretty sure my skills are not that rusty!
The first wine we tried in the decanter was a red house blend. We decided that we should try it both before and after being decanted. The initial taste was absolutely horrible! I could not believe how awful this wine was. It had a sharp tanginess that really overpowered the wine. After sitting in the decanter for one hour, the wine was actually drinkable! I mean, it still wasn't a great wine. But that nasty aftertaste was gone. I'm not sure if it was because of the aeration of pouring it into the decanter, or letting it "breath" in the decanter, or some combination, but it was well worth waiting an hour. Honestly, if this wine had not been in the decanter, I may have dumped it out and given up completely.
The second wine we tried was three buck Chuck. Yes, a lovely Charles Shaw Shiraz. I actually really like this wine; it is a very simple wine, without a lot of complex flavors. It goes well with just about anything you may be eating. (I don't remember what we ate, but I'm sure it paired well with it.) There was less of a difference in flavor here, but the decanter really did mellow out the flavor. I really preferred the wine after it was decanted, although my dinner companion did not, and felt that something was missing.
All in all, I really love using the decanter. Despite it's flaw, I will continue to use it because of how much it improves the taste of the wine. I will just make sure to have a towel handy to wipe up that one lone drop after every pour! I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

10 July 2016
Betty's Pies in Two Harbors
When we arrived at the Voyageur Motel in Two Harbors, there was a menu for Betty's Pies on the wall. I have heard of Betty's Pies my whole life, but had never been there. In fact I didn't even realize it was in Two Harbors. Gigi asked, "Are you looking for breakfast or pie?" And of course, our answer was enthusiastically, "Both!" Gigi recommended both Betty's Pies and Vanilla Bean. Well, we were there for two mornings, so we were able to try both.
We were very excited the next morning. Betty's Pies is just a short drive north on Highway 61 from the motel, and we arrived very quickly.
The breakfast was good, but not great. It was a very basic diner-style breakfast of eggs and hashbrowns. It was good though, and reasonably priced.
But, of course, the star of the show was the pie. So many selections of pie! We had a lot of difficulty narrowing our selection down to two slices. We did agree that one slice of pie per person should be more than enough! But hey, you can see the list. It's easier said than done to narrow it down!
In the end, we decided on Raspberry Rhubarb and Toffee. The Raspberry Rhubarb was absolutely amazing. I love any pie with a crunch topping, and easily could have ordered (and enjoyed) all three of those! In fact, I was so excited about it, I accidentally took a bite before I took a photo!
But really, how could I resist?
The second piece of pie we chose was the Toffee, which was also amazing. It was very creamy, and also very light. There was just the right amount of toffee flavor, not overwhelming and not overshadowed by the creaminess.
Of course, I wish I had been able to to have all of the other kinds of pies. I will definitely need to go back to Betty's Pies soon!
21 June 2016
101 Chocolate Vegan Recipes by Sam Kuma

When I saw the title of this cookbook, I was excited. Although I don't personally identify as vegan, I do avoid dairy because it doesn't sit well with me (to put it nicely). And nearly every chocolate recipe has milk in it, or some form of dairy. I've even seen sour cream! Well, of course I can go buy vegan sour cream or milk and try to substitute, but it doesn't always work out. Sometimes, soy milk is NOT the same as milk! They just don't always behave the same, and it really depends on the recipe.
When I find vegan dessert recipes, they are often not chocolate. I do love chocolate, and I don't see anything wrong with eating it now and again. But I prefer to have less sugar, and of course, no dairy. It doesn't seem like that much to ask, but it can be very difficult to find.
The first recipe I chose to review was the first recipe in the book: Chocolate Chia Smoothie Pudding. I have never heard of anything referred to as a smoothie pudding, and I was intrigued. The recipe described it as being similar to an ice-cream shake, and I think that's a good description. I should tell you that my husband and I are not fans of chia seeds, even though we know they are healthy for us. I have to say that this is a great way to get them into your diet if you are looking to -- they aren't noticeable at all in the smoothie. I didn't care too much for having this served over ice cubes (made from almond milk) but it just didn't seem to go with the texture. I may make this again, and skip the ice cube scenario. I found this to be very good, but it was so thick. On the plus side, it was very filling!
The second recipe I made from this cookbook was #22: Three Ingredient Brownies. I was extremely skeptical of this recipe. The three ingredients are bananas, almond butter, and cocoa powder. I was pretty sure that there was no possibility of those three ingredients turning into a brownie! Well, I was both right and wrong. I made the puree in the food processor, and then prepared to bake it. The recipe just called for a "baking pan," so I wasn't sure what to do! I used a 9x9 glass baking pan, and it seemed to be the correct size. While I was transferring the mix, I did try a little bit off of the scraper and it was amazing. I thought if nothing else, we could just eat it uncooked! The other part of this recipe that wasn't quite correct was the timing. We had to cook it for at least 5 minutes longer before it set. But it did set! I was quite surprised. I mean, I wouldn't quite call this a "brownie," but it was very delicious. It actually reminded me of a no-bake recipe: very smooth and creamy. I would definitely make these again.
I'm looking forward to trying more recipes from this cookbook, especially Thin Chocolate Crepes, Vegan Chocolate Waffles (it has been VERY difficult for us to find a vegan waffle recipe we like), and Chocolate Covered Popcorns.
I received this product for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

10 June 2016
Voyageur Motel in Two Harbors
Rating: 8 out of 10
At 3pm on Friday, June 3, I was sitting on my sectional couch, searching the computer for the best place to stay in Two Harbors that night. I live about 2.5 to 3 hours away, but there was supposed to be heavy rain, which might slow things down. I was starting to get concerned that we wouldn't be there in time for dinner; we may have to eat dinner on the way. I was considering that maybe we should just pack the car and then drive up first thing in the morning. So I started searching for Saturday night only, which wasn't much better.
Then, I stumbled on a little place called the Voyageur Motel. I don't know how it ended up coming up in my search. They didn't even have a website, just a phone number listed. So, I called. The owner answered and told me that they had just had a cancellation and had a room open for both Friday and Saturday. I booked it right away, which surprised my husband!
I'm so glad we did. It was my first time in Two Harbors, and we had a fantastic time. The owner, Gigi, was very friendly and helpful to us. She recommended that we eat at the Vanilla Bean, which was a lot of fun and delicious. She was also flexible about our arrival time, which was nice.
The Voyageur Motel is a small, 8 unit motel conveniently located on 7th Avenue, which is the main road through town. It's location is very convenient, and very close to the scenic drive that goes to Duluth, which we enjoyed. Wifi and a pretty extensive cable selection are available, which are both important to me and sometimes lacking in a smaller motel. There is also complimentary coffee available at 5am, but we did not avail ourselves of it! I'm not much of a coffee drinker, and my husband isn't much of a morning person.
I would stay at the Voyageur Motel again. It was nice, clean, and reasonably priced. The rooms are very small, fitting a bed, chair, and small desk/table. The TV is mounted on the wall, and there is only a shower in the bathroom. (I'm not sure if this layout is true of all units. We stayed in unit 2.) If you are going to Two Harbors and looking for a reasonably priced place to stay, the Voyageur Motel is a good choice.
08 June 2016
Carmody 61 in Two Harbors
01 June 2016
Premium Bartender Kit in a Luxury Bag

This set comes with a martini shaker, jigger, and 2 liquid pourers. You can also receive an ebook called "100 Cocktail Drinks Recipes." In order to receive the ebook, you do have to sign up at their website and provide your email.
I love to travel with my martini fixins. One time, I was going to Green Bay for the weekend (Go Pack Go!) and staying with a friend of my mother's. Her only request was that we make martinis, because everyone talks about how wonderful our dirty vodka martinis are! Well, that was quite an ordeal, because we had to pack a shaker, all the glasses, olives (several kinds, of course) and the alcohol. It took up a full size paper box.
Anyway, we decided to have happy hour as soon as we arrived on Friday night. It was so much fun! The only problem we had is that we could not make them consistently. The taste entirely depended on who was making them. Mine are quite good, but I just can't seem to recreate it when I measure. We tried to measure, but nothing helped.
Having a jigger really helps with this. The jigger that comes with this set is not a standard size, it is 1/2 ounce and 1 ounce, as opposed to the traditional 3/4 ounce and 1 1/2 ounce. It works well enough to keep track of proportions, so it isn't really an issue.
Using our new jigger, we have determined that our dirty vodka martini recipe is 3 ounces vodka, 1 ounce vermouth, and a whole lot of olive juice. (The olive juice kind of varies based on personal preference!) It's pretty exciting to be able to have an actual recipe, so I really appreciate that. I love being able to make them consistently!
I also really enjoy having the pouring attachment to use on the bottles. I used to work in a bar and really got used to having pourers, so I'm enjoying having them again.
I'm very excited to take this set traveling with me! I love the black velvet bag that it comes in, and everything fits really well in it. It's such a great idea to have a set for traveling.
This product was received free for my honest and unbiased review.

15 May 2016
Calming Rain -- Brings You Relaxation and Sleep

This CD is amazing. It is actually just rain. It may not sound like something that impressive, but it actually is! Impressive, and hard to find. Why does everyone want to put weird things with rain sounds? Animal noises, classical music, and all other kinds of crazy things are thrown in. One time, I heard rain on a tin roof. It was quite jarring.
I've always fallen asleep to the sound of rain. When my son was younger, he would actually worry about me falling asleep in weird places as soon as the rain started! So, I think it would be amazing to have that recreated, and I've finally found it.
I've literally been trying to find this for over 20 years. I'm so excited to have finally found it. When I saw that I could receive it for free in return for an honest and unbiased review, I jumped at the chance. It's just amazing to me that I've finally found this after so long!